Wednesday, April 9, 2008

finally getting back in the swing of things!

What a very busy few weeks we've had! Thankfully everything has slowed down and we can FINALLY get back to our everyday lives :) I'm starting our lesson plans for this month, and it's going to be fun :) We are going to learn the letters C, D and E.
I've decided to go with the letter of the week curriculum for right now ( ) Alyssa has been asking me for "table time" for the last few days and a bit last week! She said "That's what we call it when we pretend that our house is school!" hehe! It works for now!
We are all doing well. Casten has had a bad rash on his chest. No idea where it came from, and the doctor said it's just something that irritated him and there is no cause for concern. It's getting better. It didn't seem to itch him at all today, so that's great! Lyssi has really struggled the last few days trying to get back into schedule after our hectic weekend! My sister Beverly got married and with all of our activities involving that she was up WAY past her bedtime all weekend! Maizie, as always, is doing wonderfully! She was 12lbs 8oz on Tuesday at the doctor. She's growing so fast! She's such a happy baby! Loving her very very much!
So now that we are getting back in the swing of things I hope I can get on here more often and update everything! My goal is to get on here daily to update what we do each day!

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